On July 28, 2023, IMD, MASC, CESC and CDD reflected on mechanisms and good practices for managing the Pro-Civic & Human Rights Project.

On July 27th and 28th, members of the consortium made up of IMD, CESC, MASC and CDD took part in a workshop to share the consortium's management and governance approaches, procedures, tools and mechanisms.

The purpose of the meeting, which preceded the actual implementation of the project, was to familiarize ourselves with the consortium's rules and governance policies and to collaboratively discuss the general plan of activities and the intervention approach of each partner.

The workshop was attended by the project coordination team, project managers, financial and M&E managers from MASC, CESC, CDD and IMD.

The Pro-Civic & Human Rights project is funded by the Finnish Embassy and will be implemented in the provinces of Zambézia, Nampula, Niassa and Cabo Delgado.

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